Sunday, October 30, 2016

Selling Everything To Travel The World


By Meody Schafer 

The first step towards any great dream or goal is to have a plan. We all have our own ways of planning and doing things, so find what works best for you. I personally love having a notebook to write in. Call me old fashion…pen and paper.

Writing out the type of lifestyle you would like to have can be quite the challenge…especially if you think there is no way and no how it can be achieved or if you are not even sure what you want but you know what you are doing is NOT what you dreamed of. Most dreams stay just dreams because the person can’t even imagine writing down such lofty goals. If one can’t even write that dream down on a piece of paper, then how could that dream ever be achieved?

We have nothing to lose by putting pen to paper. Write down the specifics on how you would like to see yourself living? Do you want to live out of a carry-on bag or backpack and travel the world? Would you like to own a cabin in the mountains with a woodstove and some chickens out back? Would you like to go back to college now that your kids are grown to do something you have always wanted to do?

Once you have decided what that dream is, deciding the first steps to achieve it will be the next thing to think about. Thankfully, the internet has made researching any topic possible. Just get started in your research and take those first steps and just see where it leads.

Don’t let anyone tell you that your dream is impossible or to grand…that you can’t do it…or that you should not. This is your life and when it’s all said and done, be sure you have no regrets.

My husband & I, along with our 2 children, believe in LIVING FREE FOREVER. We own our own businesses, homeschool our son while our daughter attends college.  We keep our lives as simple as possible, so we can feel free to do what matters most to us...spending time with our family, traveling & just enjoying life. We will also be discussing emergency or disaster preparedness which we find to be essential to every household's plan.
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